Tuesday, February 26, 2008

FallME 0.6 Released

FallME (https://fallme.dev.java.net) 0.6 has been released.

FallME functionality was enhance to make configuration of Form injection easier.

This release include a simple sample application that demonstrates using FallME. We hope to have additional examples and documentation available shortly. In the meantime, . . . you can start to get a feel for FallME by looking at the sample application.

  1. Start by looking at the PreferencesBeanConfigs.java. It shows how to configure the IOC.
  2. Take a look at the PreferencesMobile.java (Midlet). It shows how to bootstrap the application container.
  3. Finally, look at MainFormBuilder.java. When the Midlet asks the BeanFactory for the MainForm, the BeanFactory uses the MainFormBuilder to construct the Form.
Take a look and let us know what you think


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I have been waiting for this release, I hope that they can fix the problems that I have.