Thursday, November 27, 2008

Griffon Collab Todo Example

Okay, it is still a work in progress, . . . But, I have pushed the Griffon Collab Todo application to Github ( Griffon Collab Todo is a reimplementation of the Swing Client found in Chapter 13 of Beginning Groovy and Grails using Griffon.

The application is a Griffon (Groovy & Swing) client to a Grails Web Application. It communicates with the Grails application using a JSON Restful approach.

While it is still a work in progress, . . . It does give you an idea of they types of things you can do with Griffon.

Stay tuned, as time permits, I will blog more info on my experiences with Griffon. BTW, it has been fun.

Danno, Andres, and James have done a Great Job with Griffon!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Installing Griffon Snapshot

Griffon is to Desktop as Grails is to Web Apps.

Here are some instructions for installing the latest Griffon Dev Snapshot on Windows.

Assumptions: java is already installed.

1. Download the source ( using your favorite Subversion tool. I like SmartSVN (
2. cd download\core\trunk
3. run ant to build the code
4. create an installer. ant create-installer-izpack (look in ant\build\installer.xml for other options)
5. execute trunk\dist\griffon-installer-0.1.SNAPSHOT.jar (java -jar griffon-installer-0.1.SNAPSHOT.jar)

NOTE: Depending upon when you download the source, there is an error in the windows installer. It puts a PATH entry in the User variables that contains ${OLD_PATH_VALUE}. This creates a problem. A work around is to delete the PATH entry in User Variables and add the appropriate info to the System PATH variable. You should also make sure that GRIFFON_HOME has been defined.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Griffon Collab-Todo

Coming Soon! In Chapter 13 of "Beginning Groovy and Grails" I built a Swing GUI using SwingXBuilder that interacted with a Grails RESTFul Web Service. I am finishing the process of creating a Griffon version of the same application. It is starting to look good.

I will be uploading the source to the Beginning Groovy and Grails website in the near future. Stay tuned.