Wednesday, January 30, 2008

FallME Released

I am proud to announce a new open source project for the Java mobile and embedded community. Chris Judd and myself have released the first version of FallME version 0.5. FallME is a Java ME framework based on the popular Spring Framework but designed for mobile devices including those running MIDP. This framework provides an IoC container as well as a RecordStoreTemplate. You can download it and find more details at

Friday, January 25, 2008

New Groovy Eclipse Plugin

A new version of the Groovy Eclipse plug is available (Version the update site is:

I just installed it, it is definitely worth upgrading, it contains several new features that make the plugin more usable and closer to what you would expect (JDT). It also contains several bug fixes there were a little annoying.

A Couple of the more noticable enhancements:

  • Support of java doc /*
  • Code completion improvements Ctrl-space
  • Quick Outline Ctrl-O
  • Project Explorer shows groovy methods
    (Not working in my environment)
Nice Job All, Keep up the good work. I think that the Groovy Eclipse plugin is critical to Groovy's success.

Rod Johnson speaks at COJUG

Last night, Columbus was privileged to have Rod Johnson, the father of the Spring Framework, speak at the Central Ohio Java Users Group (COJUG).

Rod spoke about Spring 2.5 features and SpringSource's focus. It sounds like SpringSource is going to be make a strong commitment to the Web space. They are focusing on Spring Webflow, Spring MVC, and providing more support for JSF, and web frameworks.

It was a great night for the COJUG.

I look forward to seeing you all there at next months meeting.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Groovy is a Better Java

At Code Mash, Neal Ford, Chris Judd, and I had a interesting chat about Groovy as a Better Java. The question that we came to ask : Is Groovy Java 3.0 or is it what JDK 2.0 should have been?

The one thing that we all agreed to is: Groovy is a Better Java.

What do you think?

Monday, January 7, 2008

Going to Code Mash

Hey Code Mash starts this week. I am looking forward to it. Hopefully, I'll have an opportunity to blog about some of the sessions.